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第一条 为防治原煤散烧产生的大气污染,推广使用清洁能源,保护和改善大气环境,根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国产品质量法》和《黑龙江省工业污染防治条例》等法律、法规规定,结合我市实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 本办法适用于本市市区内原煤散烧污染的防治。
  第三条 原煤散烧污染防治坚持调整燃料结构,改进燃烧方式,发展集中供热,推广使用清洁能源或型煤,控制和削减烟尘排放总量,保证市区大气环境质量达到国家规定标准的原则。
第四条 本办法由市环境保护行政主管部门负责组织实施。
  第五条 政府鼓励、支持推广使用清洁能源和发展型煤产业。
  第六条 任何单位和个人都有保护大气环境的义务,并有权对违反本办法的行为进行检举和控告。
  第七条 市集中供热单位应当提高城市集中供热能力,逐步扩大城市集中供热面积。要加快城市集中供热管网改造,对集中供热管网范围内的小型供热锅炉逐年进行并网,以统一集中供热或区域集中供热替代分散燃煤供热。
  第八条 新建、改建、扩建供暖锅炉的,应当使用清洁能源。
  第九条 新建、改建、扩建非供暖锅炉(含洗浴业锅炉,以下略),应当使用清洁能源。
第十条 向大气排放污染物的,其污染物排放浓度不得超过国家规定的排放标准。
  第十一条 城市建成区内企业事业单位、饮食服务业新建、改建、扩建茶炉、炉灶(指大灶,以下略),应当使用清洁能源或型煤。
  第十二条 在本市辖区内销售环境保护设备和产品的单位,必须保证产品质量和技术指标符合产品质量标准要求,并取得省环境保护行政主管部门的认可。
  第十三条 锅炉生产企业要积极研究开发节能降耗、热效率高的先进环保锅炉产品。
  第十四条 生产、经销型煤要兼顾经济、社会、环境效益,实行优质低价。型煤产品经市质量技术监督行政主管部门和市环境保护行政主管部门共同检测认可后,方能上市销售。
  第十五条 型煤及型煤炉具产品生产、经销企业有对用户单位的作业人员指导的义务。
  第十六条 违反本办法规定,有下列行为之一的,环境保护行政主管部门或者其他监督管理部门可以根据不同情节,责令停止违法行为,限期改正,给予警告或者处以五万元以下罚款:
  第十七条 违反本办法规定,建设项目的大气污染防治设施没有建成或者没有达到国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定要求,投入生产或者使用的,由审批该建设项目的环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。
  第十八条 违反本办法规定,向大气排放污染物超过国家和地方规定排放标准的,应当限期治理,并由所在地区级以上环境保护行政主管部门处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。
  第十九条 违反本办法规定,在市人民政府规定的期限届满后继续燃用高污染燃料的,由所在地区级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令拆除或者没收燃用高污染燃料的设施。
  第二十条 违反本办法规定,在城市集中供热管网覆盖地区新建燃煤供热锅炉的,由市环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为或者限期改正,可以处五万元以下罚款。
  第二十一条 违反本办法规定,生产、销售国家明令淘汰锅炉产品的,由市质量技术监督行政管理部门和市工商行政管理主管部门根据职责权限责令停止生产、销售,没收违法生产、销售的产品,并处违法生产、销售产品货值金额等值以下的罚款;有违法所得的,并处没收违法所得;情节严重的,吊销营业执照。
  第二十二条 环境保护行政管理部门和其他有关行政管理部门工作人员应当依法履行职责,公平公正、规范执法,不得徇私舞弊、滥施处罚。
  第二十三条 对行政处罚决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。
  第二十四条 本办法自公布之日起施行。





第一条 在中华人民共和国港口行驶的外国籍船舶和外商租用的中国籍船舶,以及中外合营企业使用的中外国籍船舶(包括专在港内行驶的上项船舶),均按本办法由海关征收船舶吨税(以下简称吨税)。
第二条 吨税分三个月期缴纳与三十天期缴纳两种,由纳税人于申请完税时自行选报,其税级税率列明如下:
第三条 应征吨税船舶的国籍,如属于同中华人民共和国签有条约或协定,规定对船舶的税费相互给予最惠国待遇的国家,该船舶的吨税按优惠税率计征。其按三个月期缴纳的吨税税率如下:
第四条 外国籍及外商租用的中国籍船舶,在到达及驶离设关港
| |每 吨 吨 税|
船舶种类 | 吨 位 | | 附 注
| |(人 民 币)|
| 轮 | 50吨以下 | 3角 |按净吨位计征,尾数在半
| | 51吨至 150吨 | 3角5分 |吨以下者免征其尾数,半
| 船 | 151吨至 300吨 | 4角 |吨及超过半吨但不及一吨
机 | | 301吨至 500吨 | 4角5分 |者则晋按一吨计算;又不
| 汽 | 501吨至1,000吨 | 6角 |及一吨的小型船舶,除经
| |1,001吨至1,500吨 | 7角5分 |海关总署特准免征者外,
动 | 船 |1,501吨至2,000吨 | 9角 |应一律按一吨计征。
| |2,001吨至3,000吨 |1元1角 |
| 拖 |3,001吨至4,000吨 |1元3角 |
| |4,001吨至5,000吨 |1元5角 |
船 | 船 |5,001吨以上 |1元8角 |
非 |各种人力 | 10吨以下 | 1角5分 |
机 |驾驶船及 | 11吨至 50吨 | 2角 |
动 |驳船帆船 | 51吨至 150吨 | 2角5分 |
船 | | 151吨至 300吨 | 3角 |
| | 301吨以上 | 3角5分 |

第五条 前项船舶,其吨税执照之有效期间在申报进口后满期者,及专在港内行驶者,均应于原照满期时按前条规定向关申报纳税领照。倘自满期次日起五日内不向关申报完税,应按本办法第十四条规定论罚。
第六条 特准行驶未设关地方之外国籍船舶,应同按本办法第四
| |每 吨 吨 税|
船 舶 种 类 | 吨 位 | | 附 注
| |(人 民 币)|
| 50吨以下 | 3角 | 计征办法同前表
| 51吨至 150吨 | 3角5分 |
机 动 船 | 151吨至 300吨 | 4角 |
| 301吨至 500吨 | 4角5分 |
(轮船、汽船、 | 501吨至1,000吨 | 5角5分 |
|1,001吨至1,500吨 | 6角5分 |
拖船) |1,501吨至2,000吨 | 8角 |
|2,001吨至3,000吨 | 9角5分 |
|3,001吨以上 |1元1角 |
非 机 动 船 | 10吨以下 | 1角5分 |
| 11吨至 50吨 | 2角 |
(各种人力驾驶 | 51吨至 150吨 | 2角5分 |
| 151吨至 300吨 | 3角 |
船及帆船、驳船)| 301吨以上 | 3角5分 |

第七条 纳税人应自海关(或税务局)签发吨税缴款书之次日起五日内(星期日及规定放假日除外)缴清税款,由关(或局)填发船舶吨税执照,逾期由关(或局)自第六天起至缴清税款之日止按日征收应纳税额千分之一的滞纳金,作为海关罚款入库。
第八条 外商租用的中国籍船舶,及中国公私营企业租用的外国籍船舶,在租用关系开始或解除时,其原纳车船使用牌照税或船舶吨税,如尚未满期,得仍继续有效。惟期满后应即按照当时使用关系向关报完吨税或向税务局报完车船使用牌照税。
第九条 船舶因经修理,原净吨位有所增减,在原领吨税执照有效期内,不再调整税额。惟于下期完纳吨税时应按吨位变更后的吨位证书,申请核定税额。如吨位增高而匿不申报,希图漏税者,按本办法第十四条规定处罚。
第十条 已完吨税之船舶,具有下列情形之一者,海关得验凭所交港务机关证明文件,按其实际日数,将执照有效日期,批注延长:
第十一条 下列各种外籍船舶,免征吨税:
第十二条 船舶使用人如于该船未到达港口以前办理结关手续者,须向关递送书面保证,担保俟船舶驶入港口后交验吨税执照,或遵章完纳吨税请领执照。此项执照的有效日期,亦应自船舶申报进口之日起算。
第十三条 船舶使用人所领吨税执照,在有效期间内,如有毁损或遗失时,得向原发执照海关(或税务局)书面声明,并请另发吨税执照副本,不再补税。
第十四条 不按本办法规定申报纳税领照者,除限期办理外,并处以应纳税额三倍以下之罚金,以海关罚款入库。
第十五条 本办法自发布之日施行。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the Financial and Economic Committee of the Govern-
ment Administration Council on September 16, 1952 and promulgated and put
into effect by the General Customs Administration on September 29, 1952)
Article 1
Vessel tonnage dues (hereinafter referred to as tonnage) shall be levied
by the Customs in accordance with these Measures on foreign registered
vessels and Chinese registered vessels chartered by foreign firms and
Chinese or foreign registered vessels used by Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures (including vessels sailing exclusively within the ports) sailing
in the ports of the People's Republic of China. It is not necessary for
the said vessels paying tonnages to pay additional vehicle and vessel
service licence fees to the tax authorities.
Article 2
Tonnages are divided into two types: one to be paid once every three
months and the other to be paid once every 30 days, to be chosen by the
payers themselves when they apply for the payment of the tonnages. The
scale and rate of the tonnages are as follows:
1. Those to be paid once every three months:
|Category of Vessel |Tonnes |Tonnage per tonne |Remarks |
| | | (RMB) | |
| |below 50 tonnes | 3 jiao |Tonnages to be calculated |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
| | 51 tonnes to 150 tonnes | 3 jiao 5 fen |and levied by net weight. The |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
| | 151 tonnes to 300 tonnes | 4 jiao |odd amount less than 1/2 |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
| | 301 tonnes to 500 tonnes | 4 jiao 5 fen |tonne is exempt from taxa- |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|Power-drive | 501 tonnes to 1,000 tonnes | 6 jiao |tion; 1/2 tonne or more is |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|Vessels (Steam- |1,001 tonnes to 1,500 tonnes | 7 jiao 5 fen |considered as 1 tonne. Small |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|Ships, motor- |1,501 tonnes to 2,000 tonnes | 9 jiao |vessels less than 1 tonne shall|
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|boats or tugboats) |2,001 tonnes to 3,000 tonnes |1 yuan 1 jiao |be taxed as 1 tonne except for |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
| |3,001 tonnes to 4,000 tonnes |1 yuan 3 jiao |those enjoying exemption |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
| |4,001 tonnes to 5,000 tonnes |1 yuan 5 jiao |specially granted by |
| |over 5,001 tonnes |1 yuan 8 jiao |the General Customs |
| | | |Administration. |
|Non-power- | below 10 tonnes | 1 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|Driven Vessels | 11 tonnes to 50 tonnes | 2 jiao | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|(Various | 51 tonnes to 150 tonnes | 2 jiao 5 fen | |
|manually- |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|driven boats, | 151 tonnes to 300 tonnes | 3 jiao | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|-------------------------------|
|lighters and junks)| over 301 tonnes | 3 jiao 5 fen | |
2. Those to be paid once every 30 days shall be levied at half the rates
in the above list. The tonnage shall be levied on an incoming vessel from
the date of its declaration for entry. If the vessel does not leave China
at the expiration of the tonnage licence, the levy shall continue as of
the next day of the expiration.
Article 3
The tonnage for a vessel which is registered in or belongs to a foreign
country which has entered into a treaty or agreement with the People's
Republic of China for mutual preferential treatment of tonnages or fees
levied on vessels shall be levied at a preferential rate. The rates of
tonnages to be levied once every three months are as follows:
|Category of Vessel |Tonnes |Tonnage per tonne |Remarks |
| | | (RMB) | |
| |below 50 tonnes | 3 jiao |The procedures for calculaion |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
| | 51 tonnes to 150 tonnes | 3 jiao 5 fen |and levy are the same as in |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
| | 151 tonnes to 300 tonnes | 4 jiao |the preceding list. |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|Power-driven | 301 tonnes to 500 tonnes | 4 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|Vessels (Steam- | 501 tonnes to 1,000 tonnes | 5 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|ships, motor- |1,001 tonnes to 1,500 tonnes | 6 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|boats or tugboats) |1,501 tonnes to 2,000 tonnes | 8 jiao | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
| |2,001 tonnes to 3,000 tonnes | 9 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
| |over 3,001 tonnes |1 yuan 1 jiao | |
|Non-power- |below 10 tonnes | 1 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|Driven Vessels | 11 tonnes to 50 tonnes | 2 jiao | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|(Various manually- | 51 tonnes to 150 tonnes | 2 jiao 5 fen | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|driven boats, | 151 tonnes to 300 tonnes | 3 jiao | |
| |-----------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|
|lighters and | over 301 tonnes | 3 jiao 5 fen | |
|junks) | | | |
If a vessel paying the tonnage as stipulated under this Article applies to
make payment once every 30 days in accordance with the procedures in the
preceding Article, the tonnage shall be levied at half the rates in the
above list.
Article 4
A foreign registered vessel or a Chinese registered vessel chartered by a
foreign firm shall submit the vessel tonnage licence and the declaration
at the Customs for examination and entry or clearance purposes as
stipulated by the Customs when it arrives at or leaves a port where there
is a Customs establishment. If the original licence has expired at the
time of entry or the tonnage has not been paid before, it shall file a
declaration at the time of entry, make the declaration at the Customs and
pay the tonnage by submitting (1) the certificate of the vessel's registry
(or the testimonial signed and issued by the port authorities to testify
that this certificates has been kept in their custody) and (2) the
certification of the vessel's tonnage for examination.
Article 5
If the term of validity of the tonnage licence of the above vessel has
expired after its declaration for entry or if it sails exclusively within
the port, it shall make a declaration at the Customs, pay the tonnage and
obtain a new licence as stipulated in the preceding Article upon
expiration of the original licence. If it fails to make a declaration and
pay the tonnage within 5 days of expiration, it shall be fined according
to the stipulation in Article 14 of these Measures.
Article 6
A foreign registered vessel specially permitted to sail to or from a place
where there is no Customs establishment shall submit the vessel tonnage
licence to the local port authorities for examination (it shall be
submitted to the local frontier public security organs or frontier forces
for examination in a place without port authorities) as stipulated in
Article 4 of these Measures when it arrives at or leaves the port. At the
expiration of the original licence, it shall also make a declaration at
the local tax bureau as stipulated in Article 4 and Article 5 of these
Measures and the bureau shall collect the tonnage and issue a new licence
in lieu of the Customs according to these Measures. If it fails to make a
declaration within the time limit, it shall be fined in accordance with
Article 14.
Article 7
The payer shall pay the tonnage within 5 days (Sundays and statutory
holidays excepted) of the issue of the Notice of Tonnage Payment by the
Customs (or the tax bureau) and the Customs (or the bureau) shall issue
the vessel tonnage licence. If the time limit is exceeded, the Customs (or
the bureau) shall collect a fine for delaying payment of 0.1% of the
payable tonnage daily from the sixth day to the day of full payment of the
tonnage and pay it into the treasury as Customs' fines.
Article 8
In the case of a Chinese registered vessel chartered by a foreign firm or
a foreign registered vessel chartered by a Chinese public or private
enterprise, the vehicle and vessel service licence tax or the vessel
tonnage already paid shall remain valid if it has not expired at the
beginning or termination of the charter. However, the vessel shall make a
declaration at the Customs' and pay the tonnage or make the declaration at
the tax bureau and pay the vehicle and vessel service licence tax upon its
expiration on the basis of the charter at the time.
Article 9
The tonnage amount shall not be readjusted within the term of validity of
the tonnage licence already obtained even if the net weight of a vessel is
increased or reduced due to repairs. However, at the time of the next
payment of tonnage, an application shall be made for the adjustment of the
tonnage amount on the basis of the certificate of tonnage after its change
of weight. If the increase in weight is not disclosed and declared with
the intention of evading tonnage payment, the vessel shall be fined as
stipulated in Article 14 of these Measures.
Article 10
In any of the following cases for a vessel which has paid tonnage, the
Customs shall annotate and comment on the extension of the term of the
licence validity according to the actual number of days after examining
the papers submitted by the port authorities:
(1) a vessel sailing into a port in the country for asylum or repair;
(2) a vessel under quarantine and unable to embark or disembark passengers
or cargos;
(3) a vessel having been commandeered and chartered by the Central
Government or a local people's government.
Article 11
The following foreign registered vessels shall be exempt from tonnages:
(1) vessels for use by embassies, legations and consulates of countries
having diplomatic relations with China;
(2) vessels with papers from the local port authorities to take asylum,
undergo repairs, suspend service or be disassembled and not to embark or
disembark passengers or cargos;
(3) mooring pontoons, floating-bridge pontoons and floating boats used
exclusively for embarking or disembarking passengers or cargos and storing
(4) vessels commandeered or chartered by the Central Government or local
people's governments;
(5) international vessels which are exempt from making declarations at the
Customs for entry as stipulated in Article 27 of the Provisional Customs
Law. [*1]
Article 12
If a charter-party goes through Customs formalities before the vessel
arrives at the port, it shall submit a written guarantee to the Customs
house to assure submission upon entry of the vessel of the tonnage licence
for examination or payment of the tonnage and application for licence
according to regulations. The term of validity of the licence shall begin
on the date of the vessel's declaration for entry.
Article 13
If the tonnage licence obtained by a charter-party is defaced or lost
during the term of validity, it shall make a written application to the
original licence-issuing Customs establishment (or tax bureau) for a copy
of the tonnage licence. No further payment is required.
Article 14
All formalities shall be observed within the time limit set. A charter-
party who fails to make a declaration, pay the tonnage and obtain the
licence shall be fined not more than three times the payable tonnage
amount and the fine shall be paid into the treasury as Customs' fines.
Article 15
These Measures shall go into force as of the date of promulgation.
[*1] The Provisional Customs Law has been superseded by the Customs Law of
the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 19th Meeting of
the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress of the
People's Republic of China on January 22, 1987. - The Editor.


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第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强司法鉴定业务档案的科学化、规范化管理,充分发挥档案的作用,根据《中华人民共和国档案法》和国家有关规定,结合我省司法鉴定工作的实际情况,制定本办法。
第二条 司法鉴定业务档案(以下简称鉴定业务档案)是司法鉴定机构(以下简称鉴定机构)及其鉴定人从事司法鉴定业务活动直接形成的具有保存价值的各种文字、图表、声像等不同形式的历史记录。
第三条 鉴定业务档案遵循集中统一管理,维护档案的完整与安全和便于利用的原则。
第四条 鉴定机构应配备专职或兼职档案管理人员做好鉴定业务档案工作,并接受司法行政机关和档案行政管理部门的指导、监督和检查。
第五条 档案管理人员应当忠于职守、遵守纪律、保守秘密,具备专业知识。
第六条 档案管理人员的职责是:
(一) 贯彻执行档案工作的法律、法规、规范性文件,结合鉴定机构的实际情况,建立健全鉴定业务档案接收、保管和利用等各项规章制度;
(二) 负责鉴定业务档案的接收、保管和提供利用;
(三) 接受司法行政机关和档案行政管理部门的业务指导、监督和检查;
(四) 完成鉴定机构负责人交办的其他任务。

第二章 鉴定业务档案的立卷、归档和接收
第七条 鉴定业务档案的立卷工作,实行谁鉴定谁立卷,边鉴定边收集整理,鉴结卷成的原则,多人参加的鉴定,由鉴定机构领导指定某一鉴定人负责立卷。
第八条 鉴定业务活动一开始,鉴定人即应收集在鉴定过程中形成的所有应当立卷归档的鉴定文件材料,任何人不得将鉴定业务档案相关材料据为己有或拒绝归档。
第九条 凡记录和反映鉴定机关在履行司法鉴定职能活动中直接形成的文件、电报、信函、凭证、笔录的原件及其复印件,照片、音像磁带,以及与鉴定事项有关的其他文件材料,均属于鉴定业务档案的收集范围。
第十条 鉴定业务档案的立卷,应严格以项目为单位进行立卷,每项司法鉴定项目形成的文件材料,均应相对集中、收集齐全,不得与他项司法鉴定项目所形成的文件材料混淆。整理时可根据鉴定文件材料的多少,一鉴一卷或一鉴数卷。
第十一条 鉴定业务档案卷内文件材料排列顺序:
第十二条 卷内文书材料一般只保存一份。
第十三条 应当归档的录音带、录像带、CT片、X光片等声像和影像资料,须注明承办单位、制作人、制作时间、放录时间和与其相关的鉴定业务档案的卷号,并单独整理存放。
第十四条 卷内文件材料的编号及案卷封面、目录和备考表的制作应符合以下要求:
第十五条 鉴定人负责及时整理结案后的案卷材料,并在3个工作日内交档案管理人员归档。
第十六条 档案管理人员对已归档的案卷,应按鉴定类别、保管期限、年度顺序进行排列编号。绝密案卷应单独编号存放。
第十七条 鉴定业务档案的保管期限分为永久、长期和短期三类。凡属于需要长远查考、利用的鉴定业务档案,列为永久保管。凡属于需要在长时间查考、利用,作为证据保存的鉴定业务档案,列为长期保管,保管期限为六十年。凡是属于在一般时间内查考、利用,作为证据保存的鉴定业务档案,列为短期保管,保管期限为二十年。
第十八条 鉴定业务档案的保管期限,从该鉴定业务事项办结后的下一年起算。
第十九条 鉴定业务档案目录登记薄、接收登记薄、移交登记薄、销毁清册、销毁批件等均应列为永久保管。
第二十条 各鉴定机构应结合自身实际情况,制定本单位鉴定业务档案保管期限表并报省级和当地司法行政机关备案。
第二十一条 档案管理人员应分门别类编制案卷目录及其他检索工具,逐步实现计算机管理。
第三章 鉴定业务档案的保管和利用

第二十二条 各鉴定机构的档案室应具备防火、防盗、防潮、防高温、防鼠、防虫、防光、防污染等设施。室内应保持清洁、整齐。严禁在档案室内外存放易燃、易爆物品。
第二十三条 随卷归档的影像和声像资料,为防止受潮和磁化,应按照《磁性载体档案管理与保护规范》(DA/T15-95)的要求定期复制。
第二十四条 档案管理人员应定期对档案进行检查和清点,对破损、变质、字迹褪色和被虫蛀、鼠咬的档案要采取防治措施,及时进行修补和复制。
第二十五条 鉴定机构应严格执行保密制度,建立鉴定业务档案的借阅制度和档案借阅登记簿。
第二十六条 有关部门和单位需要借阅或复制鉴定业务档案,应当出示该部门和单位正式函件和本人工作证(身份证)。诉讼当事人及其代理人、辩护人查阅鉴定业务档案,应持调查专用函和相关证件以及有效身份证件。
第二十七条 经鉴定机构负责人同意,卷内材料可以摘抄或复制。摘抄、复制的司法鉴定材料只限于原始文证材料及文书原本。抄录、复制的司法鉴定档案只能供本部门和单位使用;抄录、复制的内容中涉及保密的,由抄录、复制的单位按有关规定办理,不得泄密。
第二十八条 档案管理人员对归还的鉴定业务档案,应及时查验,发现案卷有被拆,卷内文件材料有被抽取、涂改、勾画、增删、污损或短缺等情况的,应立即向本鉴定机构负责人报告并及时追查。
第二十九条 各鉴定机构应建立鉴定业务档案统计制度,对档案的立卷、归档、保管、利用等情况进行统计。
第三十条 档案管理人员调动工作时,应在离职前做好档案移交工作,办理交接手续。
第三十一条 鉴定机构列为永久和长期保管的鉴定业务档案,在本鉴定机构应保存二十年。保存期满后,经档案行政管理部门同意,应连同案卷目录(一式三份)和有关检索工具、参考资料,一并向有关档案馆寄存或移交。寄存或移交时应办理“档案交接文据”(GB/T13968--92)。
第三十二条 有下列情形的,主管司法行政机关应监督做好鉴定业务档案的移交工作:
第三十三条 鉴定机构应定期对超过保管期限的鉴定业务档案进行鉴定。鉴定工作由鉴定机构负责人、鉴定人、档案管理人员等组成鉴定小组共同进行。
第三十四条 经鉴定,鉴定业务档案仍有保存价值的,应延长其保管期限。无保存价值的应登记造册,除鉴定文书外,其它卷内文件材料按规定予以销毁。保留的鉴定文书应按鉴定类别、年度顺序、编号顺序进行整理立卷,列为永久保管。
第三十五条 销毁鉴定业务档案时,应指定两人以上进行监销,注意保密,监销人应在销毁清册上签名。

第四章 附 则

第三十六条 鉴定机构应建立鉴定业务档案工作责任追究制度,对不按规定归档而造成鉴定文件材料损失的,或对鉴定业务档案进行涂改、抽换、伪造、盗窃、隐匿和擅自销毁而造成鉴定业务档案丢失或损毁的直接责任者,由司法行政机关依法进行处理。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十七条 本办法由四川省司法厅负责解释。
第三十八条 本办法自颁布之日起施行。